The premier online learning platform dedicated to educating, enlightening and empowering entrepreneurs, industries, innovators, early-career scientists, students, and IP enthusiasts across Africa and beyond on all things intellectual property. At our academy, the courses and syllabuses are designed to demystify the complex world of Intellectual Property (IP) by providing comprehensive, accessible, practical and engaging education tailored to the dynamic needs of today's businesses, industries, entrepreneurs, creatives and innovators.

Our mission is to demystify the complex world of Intellectual Property (IP) and provide comprehensive, accessible, and engaging education tailored to the dynamic needs of today's creators and protectors of innovation.

Intellectual Property

Learn how to protect creations of the mind: inventions, innovations and creative works.

Technology Transfer

Understand the dyanmics of sharing innovations between entities for broader application.

Technology Management

Learn the Optimization and Utilization strategies of technological resources.

Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

Sarah Norkor Anku, Head, SN ANKU IP Firm Academy
Sarah Norkor Anku. Esq. — Managing Attorney

Choose us for our unparalleled access to a wealth of knowledge from the largest Intellectual Property Law firm in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our courses are designed and taught by seasoned IP professionals who bring a rich blend of academic excellence and real-world experience, ensuring that you receive education that is not only theoretical but practically applicable in today’s fast-paced innovation landscape.

We understand that each learner is unique. That’s why we offer a diverse range of courses tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of innovators, scientists, researchers and IP enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking to grasp the basics of IP or dive deep into complex IP management strategies, our flexible and comprehensive course offerings provide a personalized learning journey that fits your schedule and learning pace.

Enrolling in to the Academy means more than just accessing top-tier educational content; it’s about becoming part of a thriving community of like-minded individuals. Engage in insightful discussions, participate in interactive webinars, and connect with a network of professionals, mentors, and peers. Our academy fosters an environment of collaboration and support, providing you with the opportunity to grow your network and open doors to new possibilities in the world of Intellectual Property.

Our Industry Support

What Our Students Have to Say

"Enrolling to the academy transformed the way I approach IP management in my start-up. The courses were not only informative but also incredibly practical, allowing me to implement robust IP strategies confidently. The expertise of the instructors and the real-world examples they shared were invaluable."
Samira K., Tech Entrepreneur
From Cairo, Egypt
"As a research scientist, I always found the legal aspects of intellectual property daunting. SN ANKU IP Firm Academy demystified these complexities and equipped me with the knowledge to protect my innovations effectively. The flexible online format fit perfectly into my busy schedule, making learning both convenient and impactful."
Dr. Alex T., Biotech Researcher
From Nairobi, Kenya
"SN ANKU IP Firm Academy isn't just an educational platform; it's a community of innovators and thinkers. As an art student, I never realized the importance of IP in creative industries until I took their courses. Now, I feel empowered and equipped to protect my work and understand the legal frameworks that support creativity."
Vera Anaan
From KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana
"The courses at SN ANKU IP Firm Academyare a game-changer for anyone serious about understanding and navigating the IP landscape. The content is up-to-date, engaging, and directly applicable to my role as an IP consultant. The networking opportunities with fellow students and industry experts have also been a major highlight for me."
Ledulo G. Keletso
From Gaborone, Botswana